Jonathan has accessed various sessions at TOG Mind for some time and has recently made a donation to the charity which we are hugely grateful for.


More importantly though, is his inspiring story of overcoming challenges and obstacles to achieve amazing goals.


Jonathan was born with cerebral palsy 34 years ago and developed epilepsy at the age of seven. His epilepsy has been more of a struggle throughout life than his cerebral palsy, as having fits regularly has restricted independence and ability to try new things. Accidents along the way have been common place including burns,  bruises, falls and injury. This led to feelings of exclusion, depression and weight gain.


Nowadays Jonathan has completely turned his life around.

“I had life changing brain surgery. I have transformed my body by losing over 10 stone. I am now very active and want to set a positive example for other people. I want to share my story to inspire people to keep active and work hard to achieve their goals. You can change your life for the better if you just try. If I can do it, anyone can!”.

You can read Jonathan’s full story of overcoming challenges, weight management, running and becoming a local celebrity by clicking here.


News Date: 
Thursday, 16 February 2023

I need help now!